Inpute news | intelligent automation that just works

Inpute Annual Kick Off: Dublin 2024

Written by Inpute | Jul 1, 2024 8:15:00 AM

Each year Inpute’s teams from Ireland, Poland and the UK meet up in a different European city for a strategic review and planning session - our annual ‘Kick Off’.

In 2024, we met in Dublin giving the Irish office the honour of hosting our international colleagues in our favourite city.

Pictured: Some of the Inpute team enjoying a tour of Dublin's Christchurch Cathedral during the 2024 Inpute Kick-Off Event

Why We Hold Annual Kick Offs

These annual sessions provided a platform for collaboration, allowing us to delve into new opportunities and set ambitious goals for the year ahead. Having an international team that closely collaborates, means that Inpute can stay ahead of emerging trends in automation and promptly bring them to our clients.

Having everyone meet a new city each year also helps to invigorate the team. This May, our teams left energised and inspired, ready to implement fresh ideas and continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. 

Stay tuned for exciting developments!